
How to Turn Your Office into a Paperless Workspace? – DataSkills4SMEs Paperless Office Orientation Course Webinar


Do you want to know how to transform your company into a paperless office environment?

This webinar introduced participants to the orientation course that DataSkills4SMEs has set up to cover the critical points:

– Learn how to start with a Paperless Office in your company

– Get an assessment of your own status quo

– Find your priorities and get practical recommendations for action

Come get some practical hands-on input from the Paperless Office expert,s and let us introduce you to the DataSkill4SMEs Course, where you will have an opportunity to enrol utterly free of charge: https://www.dataskills4smes.eu/paperless/

What is A CRM and How Can It Benefit My Company? – DataSkills4SMEs CRM Orientation Course Webinar


Do you know what a Customer Relationship Management system is and how it can help your company?

This webinar introduced participants to the orientation course that DataSkills4SMEs has set up to cover the critical points:

– Learn how to start with CRM in your company
– Discover the best CRM providers
– Find your priorities and get practical recommendations for action

Watch to get some practical hands-on input from the CRM Expert, and let us introduce you to the DataSkill4SMEs Course, where you will have an opportunity to enrol utterly free of charge: https://www.dataskills4smes.eu/crm/



The SME Crisis Response Webinar No 2 Explored How SMEs Can Defend against Cyberattacks and Learn How to Manage their Security.


From European Entrepreneurs CEA-PME we want to give an overview of the repercussions of this war for European SMEs. For this matter, we organized a series of webinars to tackle, in each of them, what can be affected in our European SME network, but especially our main goal is to bring information and guideline on how to deal with this.

In this webinar, which took place on 13th April 2022, 14h00 – 15h00, we talked about defending a business from cyber-attacks and learning how to manage your IT security. The invited experts explained in detail what kind of risk in terms of hardware and software, the European SMEs have in an eventual cyberattack. Also, the importance of having a protocol on how to react after a cyberattack, and the human factor, how to aware your team of phishing and other attempts by email or on the web.

You can check the DataSkills4Smes Cybersecurity course here: https://www.dataskills4smes.eu/cybersecurity/


Comment atteindre de nouveaux clients en ligne ? – Webinaire du cours d’orientation sur les ventes en ligne et le marketing digital de DataSkills4SMEs



Souhaitez-vous démarrer ou améliorer et développer votre entreprise en ligne ? Vous souhaitez trouver de nouveaux clients grâce à un marketing digital efficace ?

Ensuite, ce webinaire vous aidera à obtenir des informations pratiques de la part de l’expert en vente en ligne et marketing numérique et vous présentera le cours d’orientation en ligne DataSkill4SMEs, auquel vous aurez la possibilité de vous inscrire tout à fait gratuitement. Le cours couvre la stratégie, la conquête de nouveaux clients, les opérations et la création d’une boutique en ligne à partir de zéro

Vous pouvez vous inscrire ici : https://www.dataskills4smes.eu/onlinesales/


 How To Reach New Customers Online? – DataSkills4SMEs Online Sales & Digital Marketing Course Webinar


Would you like to start or improve and grow your business online? Do you want to find new customers through effective digital marketing?

Then this webinar will help you get some practical hands-on input from the Online Sales & Digital Marketing Expert, and introduce you to the DataSkill4SMEs Online Sales Orientation Course, where you will have an opportunity to enrol utterly free of charge.

The course covers Strategy, Reaching New Customers, Operations and setting up an Online Shop from Scratch

You can register here: https://www.dataskills4smes.eu/onlinesales/


 “How To Grow Your Business Online?” – DataSkill4SMEs Online Sales Orientation Course Webinar


Would you like to start or improve and grow your business online?

Then this webinar will help you get some practical hands-on input from the Online Sales Expert, and in addition, introduce you to the DataSkill4SMEs Online Sales Orientation Course where you will have an opportunity to enrol completely free of charge.

The course covers Strategy, Reaching New Customers, Operations and setting up an Online Shop from Scratch

You can register here: https://www.dataskills4smes.eu/onlinesales/